From A Place / To A PlaceThis is slightly larger than normal at 20″ x 16″ and will be available at the Waxwing’s 2 Year Anniversary on March 14th. I’ve also been trying to put together a box of all of my post cards. Naive me just discovered that they are called A2 boxes last night. Anyway, I’ll put something here and on Facebook when I’ve got that all sorted out. When it is done, the image above will be exclusively included in sets purchased through the Indiegogo International Women’s Day event put together by Lunar Mama Craftworks. They will hopefully be listed on there shortly. I’ll update this post when the details have been sorted out.

I Thought You Were Flying, But I Just Watched You LandThis mainly came out of the song Bad Habit by the Modern Superstitions and some personal experiences. Designed, cut and created in one day! I like it when things click together like that.
Thank you bitter song lyrics.

I've Got Someone To Dream AboutI finally updated the gallery of negative images from me painting on wood. Access the entire gallery here: wood
This is everything. There are a couple I gave away before scanning them but I think that amounts to only 2 or 3.
About 1 in 5 times, this doesn’t work. The paint soaks through, or runs or is too subtle to make a memorable image. That accounts for there not being one for everything.
Oh, or they are too large. The cuts I made for friends that are larger than 20″ were painted on paper and not wood.

I Could Never Change Your LifeHappy Lupercalia. It’s time to break out the goatskins and cast away evil.

Keening With Bay And OakHit The North (w/color)I was pretty excited to find these. I made the top one back before Christmas and added color to the bottom one the same day. I scanned them and took them down to Waxwing and by the time I got home my computer had crashed and I lost all of the scans I took of both of them.  Up until now they only existed on the Waxwing tumblr page. Tonight I was cleaning up my computer files and when I looked in my scanner memory, there they were. The originals are long gone, but now I have good copies of them again.

Your AddictionsYou know that dream where the girl with the bunny ears takes your teeth and starts eating them like apples?

The MigrationThis is an image from a calender I was designing with someone in 2012. Before 2013 rolled around my involvement with the process was scrapped and even though I had already completed 5 months, I never made this last one. Looking through an old folder of unfinished designs a few days ago,  I noticed this file and decided that I should go ahead and finish it.  I made a few changes and…presto, here you go.