No update for a year and four months? Perhaps you should follow my Instagram that I update more often. I have a show coming up in Port Washington in September.  Details to follow. 

The Dead SoundThis is actually smaller than it looks. It’s about 4″ x 6″.
I’ve been packing up a bunch of old frames and I realized that I have many more small frames than I will ever use.
I had some down time at work the other day and wanted to see if I could quickly make something small.
At first this was going to be a comet, but I couldn’t cut any worthwhile detail in a comet the size of a dime, so I changed it to a moon-like celestial object.

Counting My YearsI recently took a bunch of stuff to the Waxwing and Sparrow Collective to sell. This was supposed to be among them, but several things kept getting in the way of it’s completion.
It’s done now. I’ll post here when it’s for sale.
I am also in the process of re-designing this website so it may come down for a few days in the near future.
Hopefully it will be quick.